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FS2004 - Flight 1 SSTSIM Concorde
Games > PC
227.1 MB

+0 / -3 (-3)

Feb 2, 2006


You DO know you need a valid lic key or crack for this one right? If not then it's useless.
If you look under your C: drive after installation, the you will see a folder with the license file in it.
Well I havnt downloaded this torrent myself, but this lic key your talking about is made by what? Wildmans "cracker wrapper" as you guys like to call it, which should be called "unwrapper"? Cause if so then you obviously didnt test it cause it is widely known that wildman havnt been able to decode the new lic key system which the SSTSIM uses so his "unwrappers" havnt created valic lic keys for ages.
I might be wrong and it's not wildman, just curious if you could maybe give some info on it insted of just saying there is a lic key....cause there is with all wildmans, they just don't work with the new key system
It is generated by the installer itself. I have installed it and it works just fine for me.
Been looking for this for ages

hoopefully the lic works :D
so if any1 has the last 5% of this torrent

please seed
We need seeds....
Umm Seeds?, seriously

Nice download,, absolutely!! But one thing,,, there are no torrents to download from,, im stuck at 98,1%,, that sucks quite alot!!! Its new so thats not good!!! I would really like to have this one!
If your going to upload a torrent

then seed it

your wasting my and everybody elses time otherwise
I have this feeling were going to be stuck at 98% forever
Sitting at 98.1%..... seed please!! Great Upload by th way....
IRUANDJI!!! Please, make at least a full upload!!
I did a complete upload and then some..... Other people that had the file stopped after i did and then there were no seeders.... i will turn it back on for about 8 hours in just a few minutes
Then sorry for shouting at you ;-) [actually didn't shout...-just thought it was funny that we all were at 98%] - GREAT UPLOAD btw, forgot to say it on my previous comment. I will 4 sure seed ;) Tumbs Up b (does not really look like thumb, does it?)
No worries.... Upload is now active again
100% Thanks!! Will seed for a while.
It is only the unwrapped version of the flight one's Concorde.

The licence file is not valid and the product will never works so far.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS FILE (unless you have a valid licence file ) !!

i have downloaded but i cant start it it says flight1 customer license not found
can anyone say what i must do
Thank you , please share CLS - A300-600ST BELUGA.
Hehe, I told you guys it sounded a bit strange
Well i had a feeling it wouldnt work

but had to at least try
exactly, what do we do....won;t install
does'nt work. Need a key maker like SR22G2R
Hey ya'all,-- Re: Flight1/DreamFleet 727 ==> Go to and download: GA-727.exe (115Mb size). Use then the Deflorator (green icon Flight1 unwrapper) to install it. Makes the key..It works!!! Until someone makes a Deflorator for GA-727-2.exe, it will have to do....;-)
Isn`t there are crack for the GA B-727 version 2...?
it dont work please just copy the whole image for downloading then we may stand a chance of installing in
Can enyone please explain how to install the concorde without getting that 'can't find license' message, I've downloaded this torrent 2 weeks ago and still don't know how to install it.
I too would be keen to know the answer to this elusive little bugger :)
I've the 'can't find license' message too.I removed sstsim.dll from the fs9 modules folder and managed to fly the plane, only for fs to crash when going into 2D cockpit mode.Can still fly with VC though.Must need a cracked .gau file too?

I already have the Concorde but I need the License file to work... Can I pls get it???

About the license msg... follow this:
1- Copy the license file and Go to C:WINDOWS
2- paste it there and install the concorde..

It will work...

I need the license file guys... please..
We need the right License....

I have same problems too..

where to get the right file..... have anyone fixed it or found something?


Irukandji, thnx for the upload, it is pretty good at download but not as good when i try to install it. The same problem is Flight1's ULTIMATE TRAFFIC. I've recently downloaded, unwrapped the original taken from but it doesn't want to install even with a .LIC file [utraffic.lic]. STRANGE!!! What's wrong? When it comes to registering the product [after copying about 1.3 GB of files] it doesn't react shows the following error message: "The instruction at "0x110099df" referenced memory at "0x00000000. The memory couldn't be "written" Click OK to TERMINATE or CANCEL to DEBUG the program." None of them helps :(
anyone found a way to crack this yet?
anyone have a crack
the cracker wrapper wont work
i really want this aircraft
I have got a cracked one but not fully working..
can you upload it?
sorta working is better then not working
hope this one helps, just found it, 2 torrents, One with crcked files and one with an apparent working license file, try it, I don't know if they work:

I have managed to download the crack but not the license file... Does anyone have the .lic file? Please seed!
To Install license...
1. open
2. open "crack" folder
3. open "windows" folder
4. drop-and-drag "sstv10.lic" into your main "windows" folder C:\windows
5. that's it...hope this helps!
Good program only the autopilot unusable INS unusable